School Wellness


The Whitehall School District recognizes its responsibility to promote a healthy learning environment by supporting wellness, good nutrition and regular physical activity as part of the total learning environment. This policy supports the mission of the District as it promotes life-long wellness behaviors and links healthy nutrition and exercise to students’ overall physical well-being, growth, development, scholastic performance and readiness to learn. Improved health through nutrition and physical activity optimize student performance and readiness to learn.

The District Food Service & Health Advisory Committee will review the design and create implementation of the student wellness policy and make recommendations to the Board.

Nutrition Education, Physical Activity and Other School Based Activities Designed to Promote Student Wellness:

  • The District will implement nutrition and physical education from preschool through secondary school as part of a sequential, comprehensive school health education curriculum designed to help students adopt healthy eating behaviors and physical education activities.
  • Frequent communication will occur between food service personnel and staff to promote school breakfast and lunch programs.
  • The District may offer before and after school programs to promote student physical activity and wellness
  • The District will promote wellness by offering healthy choice alternatives in its programs and activities.
  • Guidelines for reimbursable school meals shall not be less restrictive than regulations and guidance issued by the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture.

APPROVED: 4/27/15