Announcements 4-18-2019

There is No School tomorrow but we do have school on Monday. High School Student Council meeting today during lunch in the Resource Room. There will be a meeting for all Freshmen and Sophomores in commons during ACP.  Freshmen & Sophomore ACP teachers should plan...

Announcements 4-17-2019

Just a reminder that we have school tomorrow. Congratulations to Morgan Lauterbach on her over-the-fence home-run in the game against Augusta last night! Congratulations to the Ms. Kolstad and the Junior High Choir, they received at 1st place rating at the large group...

Announcements 4-16-2019

Congratulations to the choir and band students.  The concert last night was phenomenal! Good luck to the Junior High choir.  They travel to Blair-Taylor for their large group contest. Please dismiss the JH choir students at 8:50.  They should meet in the choir room....

Announcements 4-12-2019

High school students have been doing a pretty good job cleaning up after after themselves after breakfast. However, there are a couple of specific areas that could use improvement.  Before you leave your table, please make sure ALL the trash is cleared, even if it...