Middle School Track begins next Monday. Please pick up an informational sheet and track schedule. They are located outside of Mrs. Lisowski’s office. There will be a Jr. High track meeting on Wednesday in the LMC during ACP Please check the clothing closet for new...
There will be a wrestling meeting today (29 March) for Junior High wrestlers in Coach Peterson’s math room at 12:45 pm. Bring your lunch. Junior High Track Practice will begin on Monday, April 8. Details about track and schedules are located in a file folder outside...
There will be a wrestling meeting today (28 March) for Junior High and High School wrestlers in Coach Peterson’s math room at 12:40 pm. Bring your lunch. High school choir students, plan to attend a rehearsal on Monday during the last 10 minutes of ACP. Attention High...
The February 25th meeting of the Whitehall Board of Education was held at Whitehall Memorial Elementary Balcony George Everson called the meeting to order at 6:31. Roll was called, and a quorum established. Other Board members present: Jason Molis, Byron Fields,...