Announcements 4-1-2019

Middle School Track begins next Monday.  Please pick up an informational sheet and track schedule.  They are located outside of Mrs. Lisowski’s office. There will be a Jr. High track meeting on Wednesday in the LMC during ACP Please check the clothing closet for new...

Announcements 2-29-2019

There will be a wrestling meeting today (29 March) for Junior High wrestlers in Coach Peterson’s math room at 12:45 pm. Bring your lunch. Junior High Track Practice will begin on Monday, April 8.  Details about track and schedules are located in a file folder outside...

Announcements 3-28-2019

There will be a wrestling meeting today (28 March) for Junior High and High School wrestlers in Coach Peterson’s math room at 12:40 pm. Bring your lunch. High school choir students, plan to attend a rehearsal on Monday during the last 10 minutes of ACP. Attention High...

Board Minutes 2-25-2019

The February 25th meeting of the Whitehall Board of Education was held at Whitehall Memorial Elementary Balcony George Everson called the meeting to order at 6:31. Roll was called, and a quorum established. Other Board members present: Jason Molis, Byron Fields,...