Announcements 6-7-2019

  We will not have bells today.  The High school will follow the daily schedule but each hour will be shortened Each period is 15 minutes.  You will go to your ACP advisor 3rd period. We will have breakfast following 5th period at 9:23. MS students we will also...

Announcements 6-6-2019

MS track shirts need to be turned in right after the pledge today The following students need to report to Mrs. Lisowski’s office after announcements: Jose, Juan, Isaiah and Alexis Whitegull Maddy Frank, Ryan Kleinhans, and Elly Matejka need to turn in their classes...

Announcements 6-4-2019

Middle School Track members, your track shirts should be turned by tomorrow. Please turn them in to Mrs. Lisowski There will be a 7th -12th grade wrestling meeting this Wednesday at lunch in Coach Peterson’s Math Room. Those thinking about joining wrestling next year...