Hello again Norse Familes,

As many of you have already seen or heard, Wisconsin Schools have been ordered to close at 5:00 on Wednesday, March 18 and remain closed at least through April 6, 2020. We will be working through the weekend to think through the many questions we have as well as plan for the coming weeks. We will share as much information as fast as is practical early next week regarding any specific plans to support our students and families.

Unless something changes again, we will have normal school days on Monday the 16th, Tuesday the 17th and Wednesday the 18th. Busses will run at normal times. The changes that I previously shared with you will remain in place during these three days so there will be no after school activities with the exception of the CLC After-School Program and no student travel other than to and from school.

We are making plans to provide meals for kids that need them at least during the day when parents may be working. We will get information out on that as soon as we can.

Thank you for your continued patience.
