The June 24th meeting of the Whitehall Board of Education was held at Whitehall Memorial Elementary Balcony George Everson called the meeting to order at 6:30pm. Roll was called, and a quorum established. Other Board members present: Jason Molis, Byron Fields, Julie Dokkestul, Kristen Carroll. Absent: Dan Koxlien and Leah A.W. Johnson.

Others present: District Manager, Megan Densmore; Superintendent/9-12 Principal; Mike Beighley, and Abby Sacia  – Trempealeau County Times Reporter (via telephone). Financial Manager, Vicki Hagberg. Elementary Principal, Damon Lisowski; Middle School Principal, Beth Lisowski.

Molis moved to approve vouchers as presented. Carroll seconded. Aye – All members. Motion carried.

Administrative reports were given on the following:

A. Mr. Lisowski – Summer School and Staffing Updates
B. Mrs. Lisowski – Middle School Staffing / Scheduling Update
C. Mr. Beighley – High School Bell Schedule for 2019-20
Fields motioned to Approve:
A. Approve minutes of May 22nd, 2019 Regular Meeting
B. Approve minutes of May 22nd, 2019 Executive Meeting
C. Approve minutes of June 12th, 2019 TVC 2.0 Regular Meeting
D. Approve resignation of Stephanie Mickelson – 8th grade English/Language Arts
E. Approve 66.0301 Food Service Director contract with Arcadia
F. Approve contract of Brianna Sass – Middle School Science
G. Approve contract of Taylor Gibson – 5-9 School Counselor
H. Approve summer school contracts

Dokkestul seconded. Aye – All members. Motion carried.

Discussion was had on the First Reading of Policy 443.71.

Dokkestul moved approve preliminary Fund 10 budget for 2019-20. Carroll seconded. Aye – All Members. Motion carried.

Discussion was had on the building use agreement for 2019-2020.

Discussion was had on the Cluster A Board Retreat.

Discussion was had on the outcome of the June TVC 2.0 Joint Board Session.

The meeting was motioned to be adjourned by Everson at 7:00 PM. Seconded by Molis. Aye – All Members.

Megan Densmore
Recording Secretary