• Track Team travels to Eleva-Strum for the conference track meet- athletes should be dismissed at 2:20.  The bus will be leaving at 2:30
  • Softball travel to Independence tonight
  • HS Golf travels to Mondovi- please dismiss golfer at 2:35
  • JH Band members- you should report to the band room for ACP today
  • 8th graders- please remember to turn in your permission form for the environmental field trip on Wednesday.  
  • Attention High School Student Council; there will be a meeting during lunch today in the Resource Room.  Please be in the Resource Room at 12:50.
  • Attention all sophomores and juniors taking college level classes next year…any college level class next year…Please report to the LMC after breakfast.  If you don’t attend you will not be taking the classes.
  • Kelly Herness, please see Melinda Goplin today.
  • FFA Officers are reminded of the officer meeting on Tuesday during ACP and the chapter meeting will take place on Wednesday during ACP.  
  • Any juniors who were in football cheerleading should report to Mrs. Beighley’s room at lunch today. Please bring your lunch to her room