• If you are renting a tux for prom, there are tux rental coupons available outside of Mrs. Irvine’s door. They are for Mel’s Clothing in Mondovi.
  • Middle School track starts tonight.
  • Baseball will host Independence tonight.  Varsity will start at 5:00 with JV to follow.
  • Middle school students should report to the auditorium right after breakfast for ACP.
  • Next year’s volleyball players:  you need to turn in summer league registration forms and money by 8am Tuesday.  Coach Giedd is mailing them out Tuesday morning. The following players need to come see her today:Allie Powell, Alicia Schmitt, Jennica Standafer, Shalee Moats, Melissa Meda Garcia, Justice Bishop, Sierra Kierstyn, and Jocelyn Laehn.
  • Juniors should report to the HS commons for ACP today.