• Forward Testing Make-Ups
  • Freshmen please report to the gym for testing tomorrow morning.  Please remember you need a CHARGED computer, a calculator and writing utensil. Sophomores will report after lunch.
  • Students who are interested in obtaining their tractor safety certification this summer, the local agriculture teachers are offering a class June 17-20 in Independence.  Pick up information from Mrs. Goplin.
  • Any juniors and sophomores who registered for college level classes for next year, please check your email and see Mrs. Eide before the end of the day tomorrow.  If this doesn’t happen, you may not be taking those classes.
  • The Sophomores attending the field trip to the Trempealeau County government center should be released from class at 8:10 am.
  • Congratulations to the softball team on their 7-1 victory over Melrose-Mindoro last night! Pitcher Izzy Sartor led the defense with 11 strikeouts and there were many great hits and outs throughout the game. Keep that momentum and spirit going into our games Thursday and Friday. The team will be hosting a double-header against Alma Center Lincoln on Friday night at the Pigeon Falls field.  
  • The very first batch of NORSE Honey is now for sale.  The 8 oz. bottles can be purchased in the district office or Mr. McConnell’s classroom for $10.