• There is No School tomorrow but we do have school on Monday.
  • High School Student Council meeting today during lunch in the Resource Room.
  • There will be a meeting for all Freshmen and Sophomores in commons during ACP.  Freshmen & Sophomore ACP teachers should plan on attending as well.
  • Congratulations to the Junior High Band!  They received a 1st place rating at the large group contest yesterday.
  • The following students need to report to Mrs. Beighley’s room 6th hour today for make-up testing.  Please note that this is change from the email that was sent out earlier in the week. Ella Spurling, Grant Olson, Curt Mosley, Riley Jarstad, Alexis Whitegull, Jaylyn Johnson, Dazsa Robinson, Christian Dahl, Juan Coss-Guzman, Vaidia Goplin & Shay Hanson.  There will be NO testing 7th hour.
  • Junior High Track meet in Mrs. Ausderau’s room after school. Also, there’s no track practice tomorrow.
  • Ms Kolstad’s ACP should report to the band room today.  JH Mini Choir should report to Mr. Eid’s classroom. Please bring a book to read or homework.
  • Today is the Large Group Choir Festival.  Students and directors from other schools will be in the building.  Please try to be quiet around the auditorium for their performances.  
  • There are no voice lessons today.
  • Golf team practice tonight after school at the golf course (Weather dependent) If you have questions about practice, please ask Mr. Anderson or Mr. Stoutner
  • Senior Class meeting in Senora’s room today during ACP.
  • FFA members who need to order an FFA jacket, please see Mrs. Goplin today.  
  • High School Track and Field Travels to Blair-Taylor tonight.  Bus Leaves at 3:50. Field Events start at 5:00 and running at 5:30
  • We will vote for Prom King and Queen on Monday During ACP.