• Middle School Track begins next Monday.  Please pick up an informational sheet and track schedule.  They are located outside of Mrs. Lisowski’s office.
  • There will be a Jr. High track meeting on Wednesday in the LMC during ACP
  • Please check the clothing closet for new items that have been added.  
  • If you are taking a student from a different school to Prom, please pick up a form in the LMC.
  • High School NHS:  There will be a meeting on April 4th during lunch to discuss the ceremony and upcoming blood drive.  Bring your lunch to the choir room.
  • 1st and 9th hours choirs should plan to rehearse in the choir room during ACP today.
  • Band and Choir students who are attending the Chanhassen field trip should turn in the remainder of their money by Friday.  Check with Ms. Kolstad for the amount you owe.
  • Girls going out for volleyball next fall.  Your summer league registrations are due to Coach Giedd by this Friday, April 5.  Coach Giedd is not at school today, so you can leave your registrations in the office with Mrs. Bailey or give to her later in the week.
  • CLC art club will meet in the high school art room tonight after school.
  • High school baseball practice will be on the field today after school, make sure to park in the parking lot.
  • NJHS students remember to bring money or a lunch from home for our field trip to UW-Stevens Point tomorrow.  There are permissions slips still out.
  • Juniors will be taking the Workkeys test on Wednesday morning.  Please be at school and arrive on time! Thanks you