• Middle School Girls basketball travels to Arcadia
  • High School Boys host Mel-Min tonight.  
  • Val-o-grams will be for sale during lunch today!  Only .50 cents a piece. Please see the posters in the hallway for more information.
  • HS Choir- Accompanists are here to practice with you this week.  Please get a pass if you would like to rehearse during your study hall.  
  • Today all high school students should report to the auditorium immediately after breakfast today for a presentation in the auditorium during ACP.
  • Middle School students who still haven’t turned in their paperwork for Bruce Mound need to do so right after the pledge
  • Musical practice tonight!   5:30 – 6:30 – DANCE, Take me back to Manhatten; then 7:30 – 9 p.m. – Moon, Billy, Hope, Bonnie, Purser, Ching, Ling – “All Through the Night”; “Be Like the Bluebird”