High School track meeting will be held on Friday during lunch instead of today.
High school softball – first open gym will be this coming Sunday from 3-4:30 p.m.
Middle School students- Mrs. Lisowski’s office will be used all day tomorrow as a site for solo and ensemble. We are asking that you are especially quiet with your voices and your lockers.
Remember that the LMC is still open Tuesdays and Thursdays until 4:30 for those interested in Homework help
Attention: High School Student Council members, we will meet today during lunch in the Resource Room.
FFA members, remember to sign up in the Ag. room for preference seating at the concert this weekend that you have a ticket. A list of jobs was sent via skyward messenger so please read your email and sign up to help if you haven’t already!
There are no regular choir lessons today. Good luck to our solo and ensemble performers!