• The 2nd quarter and 1st semester end in EIGHT school days. Remember that the LMC is open today until 4:30 for students that need a place to work quietly.
  • There will be an FFA meeting on Wednesday during ACP time in the auditorium.  Please make sure to check your email for important information today pertaining to the meeting and upcoming events.  Anyone wishing to attend the UW-Madison Hockey game in February must have their permission forms turned in at the meeting.  
  • Middle School FFA Quiz bowl will practice tonight from 3:30-5:30 in the Ag.room.
  • FORENSICS meeting Wednesday, Jan 9 in Senora’s room! Bring your pieces with you! First competition is in February!
  • Please help us save lives!  Sign up to donate blood at redcrossblood.org or in the choir room.  If you are 16, you can donate with parent permission.
  • High School NHS students, please turn in your permission to work at the blood drive forms by Wednesday this week.
  • All Freshman and sophmores report to the auditorium today immediately after breakfast for a presentation from Winona State University
  • Any junior high choir students that would like to practice for solo and ensemble in the evening, see Ms. Kolstad to sign up for a time.  
  • National Junior Honor Society officers please meet in Mrs. Bowerman’s room at lunch today to discuss upcoming college visits.
  • The High School student council is sponsoring a Winter “Semi”-formal dance on Saturday January 19th.  More details to come!
  • DECA members please stop in the LMC sometime today to pick up your envelope from Mrs Kensmoe.
  • MUSICAL practice tonight will start at 5:45 p.m. ANGELS, Bonnie, Reno, Billy, Moon (after your practice)
  • Boys basketball at Blair-Taylor tonight.  
  • The NJHS meeting was yesterday