• Wrestling at Durand:  Departure time is 1:30
  • HS boys and girls basketball teams host Alma – Pepin
  • Wrestling Cheerleaders will be dismissed at 2:15 today.  An email will be sent with a list of all the girls traveling.  
  • Any high school girls interested in playing softball this spring, there will be an informational meeting on Wednesday, January 23rd in the library from 12:45-1:00. Please bring your lunches if needed. We will get a roster started, talk about the upcoming season, and hand out information about apparel.
  • National Junior Honor Society members – a document was shared with you regarding the dates you are expected to help out with the Pledge of Allegiance in the morning.  There will also be schedules posted outside Mrs. Bowerman’s room, Mrs. Lisowski’s office, and Mr. Youngbauer’s office. Please check the schedule. Every member is on the schedule at least 2 times.  It is expected that you will be there on the day you are scheduled unless you are absent.
  • The winter Semi-formal dance sponsored by the Student Council will be held tomorrow, Saturday, January 19th from 8 – 11 pm at the high school commons.  Cost is $2.00 per person.
  • Attention Freshman!!  Today for ACP, please go to the auditorium for your movie!
  • Remember to bring your dollar or two tonight for the Fishing Team halftime challenge!