• Yearbook meeting on Wednesday in ACP–meet in Mrs. Irvine’s room-especially students working on the actual pages!
    • FCCLA members remember to go to the google classroom and sign up for all of our upcoming events-Christmas parade, Bake sale, concessions at the craft show, Santa day and our sock, mitten and hat drive. All taking place this weekend!  We need a lot of workers!
    • FCCLA meeting at lunch today!
    • Auditions for ANYTHING GOES will be held TONIGHT,  Monday, November 26, 2018 6:30 – 9 p.m. in the choir room for students in grades 7 – 12.  Interested community members can attend as well. Audition packets are available from Mrs. Kolstad or Mrs. Goplin.  Wear comfortable shoes for dance! Everyone please fill out the audition form online, it can be found on the ANYTHING GOES Google Classroom.
    • Those FFA members who participated in the “wearing of flannel” today to remind people to vote for Chris Kroeze (Kroo-Zee) should report to the Ag. room at 11:50 for your social media photo and 500 club points.  
    • Powerlifters we need to have a meeting during lunch today to get ready for the meet in Indee this weekend.
    • Football Players this is TEST OUT week.  You need to plan for 3 mornings to complete all the test outs.  This is for athletes in grades 8-11, who are playing football in the fall.
    • No CLC art club tonight