• FCCLA members remember to go to the google classroom and sign up for all of our upcoming events-Christmas parade, Bake sale, concessions at the craft show, Santa day and our sock, mitten and hat drive. All taking place next weekend!  We need a lot of workers!
  • All middle school students should report to the auditorium after breakfast this morning for ACP.
  • FFA and National Honor Society Members who are going to Fredrickson Park this morning should meet in the front of the building at 9:30, bring breakfast to eat on the way if needed.  Dress for being outside!!
  • The LMC will only be open today until 4:00
  • Football TEST OUTS will be run during the last week of November.  All Players should plan to get their baseline data. We will run test outs at 6:30 am all week.