Announcements 10-11-2018

  The Football Team will be Sponsoring a hat day Tomorrow.  For a minimum donation of $1.00 you can wear a hat on Friday.  All proceeds will go to fight cancer. Teen Read Week; Submit your answer during ACP — small candy for each student who participates!...

Announcements 10-10-2018

Some reminders for the early release today. Students who are staying after school for an athletic practice can chose to go to the LMC, Commons or Weight Room Any other students staying after school must be apart of the CLC program and report to the program in the...

Jared Blake

WHAT IS LIVE TO BE and/or TREATMENT-CENTERS.NET? Our school had the opportunity to have country-music singer, Jared Blake speak to our students. Jared appeared on NBC’s “The Voice” (Season 1) as a semi-finalist. We had an assembly with a mini-concert and the kids were...