The Students council will be sponsoring Hallograms and Halloween Coloring contest for Halloween.
Wrestlers and prospective wrestlers: The hydration test is this Monday starting at 9:30 am. Drink a couple of glasses of water a day. Stay hydrated my friends
Attention cross country runners: today is the last day to turn in uniforms. Bring them to Mr. Schlarmann.
There will be a student council meeting during Lunch.
There will be a girls basketball open gym from 12:00-2:00 on Sunday.
Aaliyah Marcharia – Mrs. Lisowski needs your volleyball jersey
The middle school dance is tonight from 7:00 – 10:00.
DECA members: if you are attending the Emerging Leaders Conference on Monday and Tuesday, check your email!
DECA members participating in Trick or Can this evening should meet in Mrs. Kensmoe’s room after school.