• Today is an early out day and there are no athletic practices scheduled for tonight.  That means that ALL students should be leaving after school unless they are in the CLC program.  
  • The first middle school dance of the year is this Friday from 7:00 – 10:00.  Students are not allowed to stay after school until the dance so please plan accordingly.  Students should not arrive any earlier than 7:00
  • There will be a representative from Viterbo in Mrs. Eides office at 11:45 today.  Please see Mrs. Eide for a pass if you are interested.
  • All cross country runners need to turn in their uniform to Mr. Schlarmann by the end of the week.
  • People interested in High School wrestling: the information meeting is TODAY! This Wednesday (24 October) during ACP hour. Come hear what we have to offer.  
  • DECA meeting today during lunch in Mrs. Kensmoe’s room!
  • Anyone helping with DECA Trick or Can should meet in Mrs. Kensmoe’s room after school today at 2:30 pm.
  • Mrs. Lisowski would like to congratulate the high school band and choirs on an excellent concert last night.  Also a shout out to Jesse Lyga for her incredible rap performance- well done!
  • High School Boys Basketball meeting during ACP today in the LMC
  • There will be an ECOLOGY CLUB meeting during ACP today in Mr. MCConnell’s room.