• The Varsity Volleyball team travels to Regis @ 7:00.
  • Junior High Football players should report to Mr. Ausderau’s classroom at the end of the day to turn in equipment.
  • 8th grade girls basketball players come to the library at the end of the day.
  • High School wrestling information meeting next Wednesday (24 October) during ACP hour. Milk and Cookies and a talk about a good sport. Good times. Junior High wrestling will have a meeting later in the Fall.
  • Middle school cross country runners, please turn in your uniforms by Wednesday this week.
  • Just a reminder that there are Parent Teacher Conferences on Thursday of this week and no school for students on Friday or Monday.
  • The results are in!  23 archers competed in the youtThe top three boy finishers in the archery 3D tournament were Ian Pank taking top honors, followed by Luke Beighley and Chase Brekke.  The top girl archer was Zoey George. The random drawing winner was Jackson Frye. If you haven’t received your t-shirt yet, please stop in to Mr. McConnell’s classroom
  • FFA members who are participating in the Sleep in Heavenly Peace tomorrow must have their permission forms in by 8am tomorrow a list of students was emailed to all teachers.
  • FCCLA pizza orders are due Today!  Bus for FCCLA fieldtrip leaves at 7 a.m. tomorrow and returns at 3:30  You are attending only if your permission slip is turned in today!
  • Students going on the DECA field trip today should meet at the front door after breakfast