• Varsity and jv volleyball play in C-FC tonight
  • Junior High Volleyball hosts indee and Mel-Min
  • Reminder that the LMC is open today after school until 4:30 for anyone needing help with their homework or a quiet place to work.
  • High School NHS applications are due to Ms. Kolstad by the end of the day.  
  • Junior Class: Pay your class dues to Ellie Matejka! This is a big year with prom and your class will need money to make it happen. Also, keep in mind that all four years of class dues must be paid before you can receive your diploma.
  • All juniors who have not completed their information for the Thursday fields trip to La Crosse must see Mrs. Eide in the LMC during 9th hour today.  Thanks
  • FCCLA Officer Meeting today at lunch in room 109. Lunch will be served.
  • FCCLA member meeting tomorrow during ACP.  Please be present. New members are welcome to attend.  Topics: Leadership meeting at Stout, Bucks Game, and more.
  • All juniors and seniors-Financial aid information night is tomorrow night beginning at 6:00 in the auditorium!