• Junior High Volleyball travels to Mel-Min tonight.  Players will be dismissed at 3:15, bus leaves at 3:25
  • High School Volleyball travels to Augusta tonight.
  • Friday is the deadline to register for the October ACT test without being charged a late registration fee.
  • FFA members are reminded to check your emails for important information EVERY Monday.   
  • Remember that the library is open tonight after school until 4:30 for anyone interested in homework help.
  • DECA members – last chance! Emerging Leaders Conference money and permission slips are due by tomorrow!!
  • High School National Honor Society applications are due on Friday!
  • FCCLA members check your FCCLA google Classroom. Important announcements
  • FCCLA officer meeting tomorrow at lunch.  Pizza being served
  • Whitehall High School will be hosting a financial aid education night for families of juniors and seniors who plan on attending post-secondary education.  All families from surrounding district are welcome to attend this presentation as well. Presenter, Michael Prasher, a Program Consultant for the Department of Public Instruction in Eau Claire, will be at the school on Wednesday, October 3 beginning at 6:00 pm in the auditorium.