The June 20, 2018 meeting of the Whitehall Board of Education was held at Whitehall Memorial Conference Room. President, George Everson called the meeting to order at

6:34 pm. Roll was called and a quorum established. Other Board members present: Jason Molis, Byron Fields, Kristen Carroll, Julie Dokkestul and Leah Johnson (6:42 pm). Absent: Dan Koxlein. Others present: Superintendent/9-12 Principal, Mike Beighley; Elementary Principal, Damon Lisowski; MS Principal/Improvement of Instruction Director, Beth Lisowski; Finance Manager, Cheryl Maug; Trempealeau County Times Reporter, Abby Sacia.


Fields moved to approve vouchers as presented. Molis seconded. Aye – All members. Motion carried.


Everson removed item 7.E. of the Action Calendar and stated that this item will be added to the July regular meeting agenda.


Molis moved to approve the following items of the Motion Calendar:

A.    Approve minutes of May 16, 2018 Regular Meeting
  1. Approve minutes of May 16, 2018 Executive Meeting
  2. Approve Extra Curricular (Summer School) contracts for 2018-19 (see list)
  3. Approve employment of Brian Anderson – Full-time Night Custodian
  4. Approve internal transfer of Donna Shepherd from Kindergarten to Title I
  5. Approve additional teacher contracts for 2018-19:
    • Jessica Joles – 4K
    • Jessica Smallish – Kdg.
  6. Approve resignation of Mikayla Smith – ELL Teacher

Carroll seconded. Aye – All Members. Motion carried.

Fields moved to approve Open Enrollment requests for 2018-2019. Dokkestul seconded. Aye – All Members. Motion carried.

Carroll moved to approve preliminary Fund 10 expenditure budget for 2018-19. Dokkestul seconded. Aye – All Members. Motion carried.

Beighley updated on progress of summer maintenance projects. Meeting next week with case work company for science rooms, waiting for final cost on refurbishing the greenhouse, will be replacing some Hobson Street sidewalks and removing the Hobson Street stairs. The DX unit for the auditorium is no longer operational. Dave Blaha is meeting with Johnson Controls to see about replacing the air handling unit and installing a coil and tying into the new chillers. This project will be done in conjunction with the roof project in August. Blaha will also work on a solution to have temporary cooling in the auditorium to use when hosting events this summer.

Item 7.D. was not ready to be presented and will be added to the July regular meeting agenda.

Dokkestul moved to approve WIAA membership for 2018-19. Molis seconded. Aye – All Members. Motion carried.

Board and Administrative Reports:

TVC 2.0 Committee – 

Molis gave an update of the last TVC Committee meeting. A governing board has been established along with two co-chairs. The TVC Committee will focus on progressive thinking and staying focused on bigger broader issues of the co-op.

Beighley will forward the results of the discussion once the other district superintendents have reviewed them.

Will next be working on establishing By-Laws and will begin with using the former TVC document.

D. Lisowski –

Presented the AGR report that is required to be reviewed by the Board after each semester. All K-3 goals were met.

Summer School started this week and things are going well.

Everson recessed to Executive session pursuant to S.S. 19.85 1(c) to discuss wage and salary rates for Support Staff, Quasi Administrators and Administrators for 2018-19. Time: 7:09 pm.

Cheryl Maug

Recording Secretary