Hands-on learning is present at Whitehall High School! Our Agriculture department greenhouse is in full swing with the harvest of herbs, lettuce, and aquatic greens. The high tunnel is set for spring planting in 2 weeks. Soon fresh vegetables will accompany our school lunch grown right here by our own students. These students learn while gaining technical college credits that they don’t have to pay for. As consultants, they are raising fish and plants in the same system created by the aquatic science students.

The Ag. processing class has learned to make candy sweetness, along with ice cream, cheese, and yogurt while exploring the processing of milk and sugar.

The Great Outdoors class “survival day” allowed students to learn life skills in an outdoor setting where lessons in fire building, first aid, shelter construction, teamwork, cooperation and problem solving were at the height of the day. There is always something fun and rewarding going on for students of all interests.