The June 28, 2017 meeting of the Whitehall Board of Education was held at Whitehall Memorial Conference Room. President, George Everson called the meeting to order at

6:30 pm. Roll was called and a quorum established. Other Board members present: Byron Fields, Jason Molis, Kristen Carroll, and Julie Dokkestul. Absent: Leah Johnson and Dan Koxlien. Others present: Superintendent/9-12 Principal, Mike Beighley; Elementary Principal, Damon Lisowski; Special Education/Pupil Services Director, Vickie O’Dell; MS Principal/Improvement of Instruction Director, Beth Lisowski; Assistant HS Principal/Athletic Director, Jamie Youngbauer; Finance Manager, Cheryl Maug; Reporter, Scott Schultz (6:34 pm); Aaron Rittenhouse, JCI; Philip Spurley, Energy Performance Lighting; Dave Voss, Focus on Energy; Mike Hodges, Whitehall Electric Utility; Maintenance Director, David Blaha (6:38 pm).

Molis moved to approve vouchers as presented. Carroll seconded. Aye – All members. Motion carried.

Rittenhouse reported that the lighting project has been completed. Certified Mechanical is working on the boiler room project. Focus on Energy check in the amount of $19,728.50 was presented to President, George Everson. The 2nd Focus rebate is expected to be received (approximately) in October. The rebate is estimated to be $3-5,000. Rittenhouse will return annually for the next two years to report on the project savings to the district.

Fields moved to approve the following items of the Motion Calendar:

  1. Approve minutes of May 10, 2017 Regular Meeting
  2. Approve minutes of May 10, 2017 Executive Meeting
  3. Approve minutes from June 5, 2017 Regular Meeting
  4. Approve additional summer school contracts (if necessary) – none
  5. Approve extended contract for 2016-17: Colleen Cantlon-Marler, Band

Dokkestul seconded. Aye – All Members. Motion carried.

Carroll moved to approve tentative General Fund Expenditure Budget for 2017-18. Molis seconded. Aye – All Members. Motion carried.

Beighley updated the Board on summer maintenance plans. All windows in ’91/’71 building will be replaced, gym floors will be sealed only (no stripping). Nothing has been or will be done for bleachers at this time.

Beighley reported that the 4 school co-op plans are still progressing but has slowed over the summer. Some transportation issues still need to be worked out. A joint board meeting is scheduled for August 31st, which is the same day as the joint in-service.

Molis moved to approve the Job Description for the District Receptionist position. Fields seconded. Aye – All Members. Motion carried.

Administrative Reports:

D. Lisowski –

Summer School is going well and is about ½ done.

The district has served approximately 75-90 breakfast meals and about 200 lunch meals. There are about 100-150 students participating in summer school classes. There are no classes held the week of July 3rd-7th and will resume for the final two weeks on July 10th.

O’Dell –

Bal-A-Vis-X training event will be held on August 14th & 15th.

CESA 4 is offering a 2-day training for support staff Paraprofessionals that work in Special Education. The training is full but CESA will try to fit us in.

B. Lisowski –

State testing results will not be entered into Skyward so they won’t have to be tracked on paper. Currently, some test results are entered but not all.

Youngbauer –

During the last week of school parents of students involved in fall sports were informed of ways their child could continue to work on improving their skills for these sports.

Gym has been busy with open gym time and various camps.

Cross Country has over 20 students signed up for HS Cross Country and 15 for Middle School. An additional Coach will be needed.

The Coaches Handbook will be updated with hopes of presenting the 1st reading at the July meeting.

Everson recessed to Executive session pursuant to S.S. 19.85 1(c) to discuss salary and wages for all staff for 2017-18. Time: 6:57 pm.

Cheryl Maug

Recording Secretary