Semester 1 High School Honor Roll

Semester 1 High School Honor Roll

A HONOR ROLL 3.66 AND AVOVE ON 4.0 SCALE Student Grade Level Fields, Gabrielle 12 Geiger, Madelyn M. 12 Gonzalez, Gerardo 12 Halama, Grace E. 12 Herman, Alyssa 12 Leque, Stephanie R. 12 Nelson, Jonathan 12 Poulos, Madeline J. 12 Rieck, Savannah R. 12 Ring, LeAnn P. 12...
Administrative Assistant Position Open

Administrative Assistant Position Open

The Whitehall School District is seeking to hire an Office/Administrative Assistant. Interested parties can learn more about the candidate selection criteria and the position itself on the District’s Electronic Application Form which can be found below: Application...

Homeless Children and Youth

ANNUAL NOTICE HOMELESS CHILDREN AND YOUTH The McKinney-Veto Act defines homeless children and youth as: Children and youth who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence, and includes children and youth who are: sharing the housing of other persons due to...