When: Saturday, February 6, 2016DSC_0062

Who: Age as of September 1st 2015:


  • Spanish-speaking families with children ages 2 ½ -4+
  • Information about Birth-3 and Head Start for children ages birth to 2 ½


  • 2 ½ -3 year olds


  • 3-3 ½ year olds


  • 3 ½ -4+ year olds

Whitehall Memorial Elementary School

DSC_0061The Whitehall School District is offering a Play Day on Saturday, February 6, 2016, for children between 2 ½  and 4 years of age. Our Play Day is a play experience which offers children an opportunity to demonstrate developmental skills through a relaxed play experience.  Observations during play will include: social interaction, communication, motor, and early learning skills. Hearing and vision screenings will also be conducted.  Parents will have the opportunity to meet other parents and children in the district as well as representatives from area programs that offer services to young children.  Information regarding growth and development will be available.  Afterwards, parents will have a chance to meet with a staff member to discuss their child’s development.

Representatives from Head Start and information from Birth to Three will be available. Head Start will be taking applications for the fall of 2016.  

Parents of children who will be 2 ½ or older as of September 1, 2015 are asked to call Joanne Foss at Whitehall Memorial Elementary (715) 538-4364 ext 220 for Spanish Terri Jurowski (715)538-4364 ext. 217 to reserve their spot.  If you have specific speech or language concerns, please indicate this at the time of sign up as we will put you in touch with our Speech & Language Pathologist, Becky Brouillet.

Even if your child has attended in the past we would love to have them visit again. This is an excellent opportunity to interact with the Early Learning Staff, meet new friends, and get a feel for what school is like.
