The December 21, 2015 meeting of the Whitehall Board of Education was held at Whitehall Memorial Conference Room. David Skoyen called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. Roll was called and a quorum established. Other Board members present: George Everson, Byron Fields, Kristen Carroll, Julie Dokkestul and Jason Molis. Absent: Leah Johnson. Others present: Superintendent/6-12 Principal, Mike Beighley; Elementary Principal, Damon Lisowski; MS Principal/Improvement of Instruction Director, Beth Lisowski; Special Education/Pupil Services Director, Vickie O’Dell; Susan; Reporter, Scott Schultz.

Everson moved to approve vouchers as presented. Molis seconded. Aye – All members. Motion carried.

Dokkestul moved to approve the following items of the Motion Calendar:

  1. Approve minutes of November 30, 2015 Regular Meeting
  2. Approve minutes of November 30, 2015 Executive Session
  3. Change regular January meeting date from January 25th to January 18th
  4. Approve additional extra-curricular contracts (if needed) – none.

Fields seconded. Aye – All Members. Motion carried.

Tech Ed Program presentation by Teacher, Drew Anderson. Discussions held with Arcadia School District on how we might be able to work together to provide more Tech Ed options for students. Anderson is working on submitting a grant application and continues to move forward with trade based certifications. Board of Ed tour of Tech Ed shop area.

Discussion held regarding a possible operating referendum in April 2016. A recurring referendum of approximately $250,000 a year for 3 years may be the best option for the District long term. A recurring referendum means $250,000 in year 1, $500,000 in year 2 and $750,000 in year 3 and every subsequent year. This referendum may prevent a perpetual referendum cycle. Another option would be a non-recurring referendum using the same numbers: $250,000 year 1, $500,000 year 2, $750,000 year 3. Year 4 with a non-recurring would bring the District back to pre-year 1 revenue. Consensus of Board to approve moving forward with referendum process and establish a resolution to be considered at the January meeting for both a recurring and non-recurring concept.

The general building walk through will be held in January.

Administrative Reports:

B. Lisowski –

Review the spring assessment calendar and Jr. High updates.

O’Dell –

Reported on the Special Education trends and planning for 2016-17.

D. Lisowski –

Reported on playground observations; successes and needs. Trimester update.

Skoyen recessed to Executive session pursuant to S.S. 19.85 (1) (c) to discuss Administrative Staffing and contract renewals for 2016-18. Time: 7:46 pm.

Byron Fields
