Ashley Furniture will be hosting a convention in our building next week which has prompted some changes in our summer school routine for Monday through Thursday.  Please take note of the following adjustments:

    • The main entrance for next week will be the Northeast entrance of the building.  This is the same entrance that was used during the construction project which is across the street from the Bailey’s home on Hobson Street.
    • Lunch will be served out of the former HS Kitchen.  Tables will be set up in the hall.  Similar to what was done at the beginning of last summer.
    • Some room assignments will be changed to accommodate this event:

SESSION 1, 8:30 – 10:00

      • Reading Success LLI 1, 2 (Turk, Speerstra)  ELEM 142 & ELEM 143 (Same as current)
      • Kindergarten Camp (Peterson)   ELEM 151 (Same as Current)
      • Math Success 6, 7 (Windjue, Youngbauer)  HS 116
      • Reading Success 4, 5 (Neitzel, Standafer)  HS 112
      • Math Success 1, 2, 3 (Wadzinski, Pronschinske) HS 113
      • Little Learners Pre K (Thorn, Brouillet) HS Across from Auditorium
      • Magic School Bus (Goplin) HS Ag Room
      • Orienteering (Ausderau, Wadzinski) HS 115
      • Archery 6-8 (Berg, Anderson) Meet HS 106 then Elementary Playground

SESSION 2, 10:05 – 11:35

      • Reading Success LLI 3, 4 (Turk, Speerstra) ELEM 142 & ELEM 143 (Same as Current)
      • Kindergarten Camp (Peterson)   ELEM 151 (Same as Current)
      • Little Learners Pre K (Thorn, Brouillet) HS Across from Auditorium
      • Math Success 4, 5 (Youngbauer, Windjue) HS 116
      • Reading Success 6, 7 (Neitzel, Standafer) HS 112
      • Reading Success 1, 2, 3 (Wadzinski, Pronschinske) HS 113
      • Fairy Gardens and Stones (Goplin) HS Ag Room
      • Survival Skills (Ausderau, Wadzinski) HS 115
      • Archery 3 – 5 (Berg, Anderson) Meet by HS 106 the Elementary Playground

SESSION 3, 12:20 – 1:50

      • Pool Afternoons (Turk) Meet by HS 106
      • Computer Programming 2 – 8 (Ausderau, Wadzinski) HS 115
      • Outdoor Fun (Berg) Meet by HS 107
      • Pets and Vets (Goplin) HS Ag Room

SESSION 4, 1:55 – 3:25

    • Pool Afternoons (Turk) At pool, returning to HS 106 at 3:25
    • Interactive Mapping 3 – 8 (Ausderau, Wadzinski) HS 115
    • Outdoor Fun (Berg) Meet by HS 107

Thanks for your understanding with these adjustments!!

Mr. Lisowski