Summer Reading with Overdrive!

Keep reading this summer with OverDrive! Search the LMC catalog for ebooks or go to OverDrive for access all summer long! Reminder: Your OverDrive “card number” is your last name and first initial (or the same as your gmail account through the school), and your...

Youth Football Camp

Parents & Athletes, We will again be holding our Norse Youth Football Camp on July 6-7, 2015.  The elementary athletes, in Grades 1-5, will be from 6:00-7:30 pm.  The middle school athletes, grades 6-8, will be from 7:30 to 9:00 pm. Students can sign up anytime...

State Budget Implications

Whitehall School District     19121 Hobson Street   ~ P.O. Box 37  ~ Whitehall, WI  54773-0037  ~ FAX:  715-538-4639 May 13, 2015 Dear residents of the Whitehall School District, I am writing today to both share information and ask for your assistance in determining...

Board Minutes – April 27, 2015

MEETING MINUTES…WHITEHALL BOARD OF EDUCATION…April 27, 2015 The April 27, 2015 meeting of the Whitehall Board of Education was held at Whitehall Memorial Conference Room. Skoyen administered Oaths of Office to elected School Board Members, Byron Fields, Kristen...

Order Your Prom Pictures!

If you would like to view and order your prom pictures, please visit the link below: