The January 26, 2015 meeting of the Whitehall Board of Education was held at Whitehall Memorial Conference Room. President, David Skoyen called the meeting to order at

6:30 p.m. Roll was called and a quorum established. Other Board members present: Byron Fields, Kristen Carroll, and Jason Molis. Absent: George Everson, Leah Johnson and Julie Dokkestul. Others present: Superintendent/6-12 Principal, Mike Beighley; Elementary Principal, Damon Lisowski; Special Ed Director, Vickie O’Dell; Sue Speltz; Finance Manager, Cheryl Maug; Reporter, Scott Schultz.

Carroll moved to approve vouchers as presented. Molis seconded. Aye – All Members. Motion carried.

Fields moved to approve the following items of the Motion Calendar:

  1.  Approve minutes of December 22, 2014 Regular Meeting
  2. Approve minutes of December 22, 2014 Executive Session
  3. Approve additional Extra-Curricular Contracts for 2014-15 (see list)
  4. Approve Extended Contracts for 2014-15 (see list)

Carroll seconded.  Aye – All Members. Motion carried.

Molis moved to approve the 100 Series Board Policies (Second Reading) . Fields seconded. Aye – All Members. Motion carried.

Reviewed 200 Series Board Policies (1st reading). Fields moved to approve the 1st reading of the 200 Series Board Policies with minor changes that were discussed. Carroll seconded.  Aye – All Members. Motion carried.

Molis moved to place no limits on Open Enrollment for 2015-16. Carroll seconded.  Aye – All Members. Motion carried.

Discussion of need for refreshed Vision Statement for the District. Board consented to have Administration proceed with obtaining ideas from the staff and also involving the students in some manner.

It was agreed that the Board/Administrative Team planning session would take place here at the school. The Board would like to begin sessions at the end of March to early April.

Wednesday evenings from 6:00-10:00 p.m. appear to be the best day and time. Beighley will look at the District calendar and get some potential dates out to the Board.

The District will meet with Market & Johnson, the DNR, Tri-City Sanitation, and Legacy Construction on Tuesday, January 27th to finalize the razing plans for Sunset Elementary. The process should begin within 2-3 weeks.

Administrative Reports:

O’Dell –

Child Development days for 2 1/2 – 4 year olds will be held on Saturday, February 28th.

Beighley –

The District has been awarded a second WTI (Wisconsin Technology Initiative) Grant, approximately $43,000. These funds will be used for 8 Smart Tables and some more Document Cameras. The District match will be about $5,000.

Speltz –

Educator Effectiveness training videos were shown to the teachers so they could see what Administration is looking for in the classrooms.

  1. Lisowski –

Presented the Outdoor Classroom concept. An area of approximately 100’x100’ would be designated on the West end of the Elementary building. Would like to put a few picnic tables, small shade trees, and possibly some benches built into the hillside. $1,000 has been donated and would be applied to this project. The Girl Scouts are holding a dance and would like to donate the dance proceeds to the project.

Random Acts of Kindness Week will be held February 9th – 13th.

Skoyen recessed to Executive session pursuant to S.S. 19.81 (1) (c) to review tentative staffing plans related to possible legislative reduction in revenue limit authority beginning July of 2015 and S.S. 19.85 (1) (a) for updated discussions related to lawsuit with Jay Thompson Electric and possible discussions with legal counsel. Time: 7:19 p.m.

Cheryl Maug

Reporting Secretary